Diabetes has been classified into various different types based on their origin and development into a fully fledged pathology.
1. Diabetes Type 2: A condition where the body cells develop a resistance against the action of Insulin. Common in adults.
2. Diabetes Type 1: A condition where the body produces less amount of insulin resulting in high blood sugar. Commonly found in juveniles.
3. Gestational Diabetes: High blood sugar found in expectant mothers.
Ayurveda has also classified Diabetes based on their pathology and bio-energies involved. It has asserted Diabetes as a metabolic disease. The ancient Vaidyas have done elaborate research on Diabetes, termed as Prameha in Ayurveda. They have classified Prameha into 10 variations of Kapha origin, 6 variations of Pitta origin and 4 variations of Vata origin. A detailed study of diabetes diseases and their variance can be found in treatises like Madhava Nidana.
Ayurveda has postulated the following as the main cause of Diabetes
• Lack of physical activities which will also lead to obesity
• Food articles which cause metabolic errors
• Excess intake of sweet and sour food items.
In addition to the above, modern researchers have also found the following as diabetes causes
• Genetic susceptibility
• Autoimmune diseases affecting the function of Pancreas.
• Viral infections and environmental toxicity.
• Increased frequency of urination
• Excess thirst
• Feeling tired all the time
• Losing weight
• Cuts & wounds may take long time to heal
• Blurred vision
Untreated diabetes can lead to major complications including diabetic ketoacidosis which can lead to fatal coma. Diabetes may also cause damage to liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and nerves.
Kerala Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes ranges from oral medication to purification methods which are all carried out under the strict supervision of the Doctor.
Kerala Ayurveda Ltd, the parent company of The Health Village, has done immense studies about Diabetes treatment and has been treating Diabetes with improved proprietary formulations and protocols. Ayurvedic Diabetes Treatments at The Health Village are based on these studies and a special range of formulations prepared by Kerala Ayurveda Ltd.
We also do have a dedicated medicine kitchen where medicines are tailor made as per the pathology of each patient. The diabetes treatment will help address the complications of Diabetes and will help arrest the progress of the disease.
Yoga for Diabetes
While treatment is necessary for Diabetes, adequate life style modification which includes a routine work out is also essential to control diabetes. At The Health Village, we advocate Yoga over mindless exercises so that not just your body but the mind also benefits from the routine. Yoga if done regularly helps maintain the optimum sugar level and also improves your energy levels.
Would you Like to Know More about Diabetes Treatment? Consult our Doctor Online at www.thehealthvillage.biz
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