What is Diabetes? It is a much dreaded disease that alters the way you live, the way you eat and the way you manage day to day activities. This is a metabolic disorder where the body fails to utilize glucose produced at the end of digestion which leads to increased glucose level in the serum of blood and urine. Ayurveda treatments range from oral medication and external treatments which are carried out under strict medical supervision depending upon the severity of the condit
So let us understand what Diabetes is. It is basically a metabolic disorder and here the body is incapable of making use of the glucose that is produced. This leads to the glucose level in the blood and urine to spike. The carbohydrate that we consume gets converted to glucose which further goes into the cells of the body as energy. For this conversion the body needs insulin which unfortunately is inadequately produced in a Diabetic patient.
Increased levels of glucose can affect different parts of the body like the heart, the kidneys and even the eyes and the nervous system. It can cause serious repercussions and various complications can arise if left untreated and unregulated.
In The Health Village we ensure a strict regimen to help our patients to regulate their blood sugar levels in a healthy manner and by administering pure herbal medication both orally as well as with Kerala therapies. Commonly used procedures include Panchakarma which purifies the entire system of all toxins.
You will also be advised to practice Yoga which will include asanas as well as Pranayama and Meditation. All these will help keep the blood sugar levels in check. This with customized diet will help you live a full and complete life.